By Wisdom and with Integrity – Donald. A. Davidson Anglican Priest


Welcome to my website.

Through photos, blogposts and ministry moments, this is the place where I share my thoughts and hopes.

Social Justice

Throughout Scripture we are faced with examples of God taking the side of the poor, the downtrodden and those cast off by the world. God sees value in those that our world so often passes by and ignores. These are Kingdom values; These are the values that we are called to live out as the church of Christ in the world today. As an Anglican Priest, I am passionate to make this a priority in my clergy life and in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Biblical Studies and Preaching

I have an absolute passion for Scripture. I take it far too seriously to ever take it literally, but I truly enjoy doing Bible Studies that try to assist people to see the things that the original audience of Scripture would have known that we in our generation do not, thereby opening new avenues of understanding. As a lover of Scripture, I am also passionate about interpreting scripture through Preaching.

Music and Liturgy

Music has been a life-long passion for me. I am a trained Tenor, and endeavour to bring the gift of music to all that I do, but especially in celebrating the Liturgy of the Church. I love to take the glorious liturgical traditions and add creativity and resources from around the global Anglican Communion. I have always worked in team ministries, and I am devoted to including all the congregation in the joy and work of creating good worship.

Our Priest, our friend, our family.

Don, you have always gone above and beyond what was ever expected of you. Whether answering a call in the early morning or driving 100 kilometres late at night to provide support for a family whose loved one was ill. You were there. You were a friend and a source of strength for two young girls that just lost their dad. Our Priest, our friend, our family. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you.
-Michelle Bedard

He had faith in my abilities…

Don helped me to learn to trust the gifts that God had given me and to use those gifts to help others. He had faith in my abilities and he taught me to have faith in myself. Through the pastoral care that Don provided me with I was able to work through some really rough times. I now provide pastoral/ spiritual care to others.
-Marylynn Forrest

…offering same sex blessings as soon as it was legal to do so.

I appreciated the strengths of your ministry, your talent in music and liturgy, your gifts as a teacher which you shared with us in our Agnostic series, and your interest and support of our Syrian families. These are the areas in which you touched my life and I value the black ring awarded to me in recognition of my work with our newcomers. 
I also appreciated the alacrity with which you made St George’s an affirming congregation, offering same sex blessings as soon as it was legal to do so.
I sincerely hope that these talents, gifts and strengths will be used and appreciated in your next ministry.
-Ruth Oliver