Fore! Golfing with Crazy Print Pants

Some of my first crazy golf pants

As an Anglican priest, you may not think of golfing as a particularly religious activity. But let me tell you, when you’re out on the course wearing crazy print pants, it’s like you’re spreading joy and laughter to all those around you.

My friend David can always be relied on to don a pair of wild pants along with me.

Picture this: You’re on the green, about to take your shot, and your opponents are staring in disbelief at your neon green and purple paisley pants. They may be thinking, “What is he wearing?” or “Is that a rainbow on his pants?” But little do they know, your bold fashion choice is actually helping to lift their spirits and bring a smile to their faces.

As you swing your club and hit the ball, your pants swirl around in a beautiful display of colours and patterns. It’s like a fireworks show, but on your legs. And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good fireworks show?

We spread the joy when we attended a golf tournament at St. Andrew’s Church, Wellington in all our sartorial splendor.

Plus, wearing crazy print pants on the golf course is a great way to show off your unique style and personality. You’re not afraid to stand out from the crowd and make a statement. And in a world where conformity is often praised, it’s refreshing to see someone who is willing to break the mold and do their own thing.

So the next time you hit the links, don’t be afraid to rock those crazy print pants. Embrace your inner fashion icon and let your legs be a beacon of joy and laughter to all those around you. Who knows, you may even inspire your opponents to ditch their boring khakis and join you in the world of bold and beautiful golf fashion.

So, whether you’re on the golf course or in the pews, it’s important to embrace your unique style and let your true self shine through. And if that means wearing crazy print pants while you pray or putt, then so be it. Let your light shine, my friends, and may your pants always be bright and bold.

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