Embracing Hospitality and Generosity

I’m sure that it’s not just me. Summer comes, and I find myself regularly entertaining friends and family around the barbecue on the back deck. As a person who really loves to grill and to use my smoker, these opportunities to open my home to others are moments of joy. There is seldom a weekend when I’m not out at the smoker preparing food for some of my summer guests. But true hospitality and generosity — the generosity and hospitality that Jesus calls us to in the Gosepl goes far beyond just welcoming our near and dear friends and loved ones. The hospitality called for by our faith is a truly radical hospitality.

The image above is the cover of a favourite book that I would highly recommend about the sort of radical hospitality that we are called to as followers of Christ.  Pick up a copy and give it a read.  It will challenge you and your community to grow beyond simply welcoming our friends to welcoming all.

This week’s Gospel speaks to the remarkable power of hospitality and generosity. In the Gospel, Jesus sheds light on the transformative nature of welcoming others, particularly those who represent Christ’s presence in our lives. This week’s passage challenges us to examine our attitudes towards hospitality and to embrace the profound blessings that come from acts of kindness and generosity.

Jesus declares, “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me”. These words highlight the interconnectedness between the disciples, Jesus, and God. By extension, they also highlight the interconnectedness between us, as Christ’s followers in our day and Christ. When we welcome and receive others, we are, in essence, welcoming and receiving Christ. Our acts of hospitality become a tangible expression of our love and devotion to Jesus.

Furthermore, Jesus goes on to affirm the blessings that come from extending hospitality and generosity. Jesus says, “Whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple—truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward”. This simple act of providing a cup of cold water is symbolic of any act of kindness, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Jesus assures us that even the smallest acts of generosity done in Christ’s name will be rewarded.

This passage challenges us to consider our attitudes towards hospitality and generosity. Are we willing to welcome others with open arms and open hearts? Are we ready to extend acts of kindness, even in the simplest forms, to those in need? In a world that often prioritizes self-interest and individualism, Jesus invites us to embrace a different way of living—one marked by hospitality, generosity, and selfless love.

Hospitality, at its core, is about creating a space of warmth, acceptance, and belonging. It involves reaching out to others, regardless of their background, status, or appearance, and making them feel welcomed and valued. It’s easy to offer that loving space to those that we know and love, but the call on our lives is to open our doors and our hearts to extend that warmth, acceptance and belonging to all whom we meet.  It is RADICAL hospitality; HOLY HOSPITALITY, because it calls us to create this space even for those we might otherwise not choose to associate ourselves with. It is an invitation to break down the walls of isolation and build bridges of connection and friendship. In our increasingly fragmented and polarized world, the practice of hospitality becomes absolutely essential.

Generosity, on the other hand, flows from a heart that recognizes and acknowledges all the blessings we have received. It is a response to God’s abundant grace in our lives. When we recognize that everything we have is ultimately a gift from God, we become more willing to share our resources, time, and talents with others. Generosity is not limited to material possessions but extends to our willingness to listen, to offer a helping hand, and to be present for others in their time of need.

As followers of Christ, we are called to be ambassadors of hospitality and generosity. We are called to mirror Christ’s love and acceptance to those we encounter. We are called to embody the values of compassion, empathy, and selflessness.

In a practical sense, this can mean inviting others into our homes, sharing a meal together, or engaging in acts of service within our communities. It can mean offering a listening ear, a word of encouragement, or a simple act of kindness to a stranger. The opportunities for hospitality and generosity are limitless, and we are invited to be attentive to the needs around us and to respond with love and compassion.

As we reflect on the words of Jesus this week, let’s be inspired to embrace the transformative power of hospitality and generosity. May our lives be characterized by a spirit of welcome, kindness, and selfless love. And may we experience the profound blessings that come from opening our hearts and lives to others, knowing that in doing so, we are not only welcoming them but also welcoming and serving Christ.

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