The Cost and Reward of Discipleship

The Cost Of Discipleship | Living Stones Church of Houston, Inc.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus calls his disciples to a life of radical commitment and unwavering devotion. He provides them with instructions and warnings, painting a vivid picture of the challenges they will face as his followers. This passage challenges us to examine our own understanding of discipleship and to consider what the cost and reward of following Jesus might be for us.

Jesus begins by reminding his disciples that they are not above their teacher and that they should expect to face opposition, just as he did. He warns them that they will encounter hostility, persecution, and even division within their own families. These words are not meant to discourage or intimidate, but rather to prepare the disciples for the realities of discipleship. Jesus’ desire is that they should enter this journey with eyes wide open, understanding the challenges they’re going to face as they bear witness to the truth.

The passage takes a striking turn as Jesus emphasizes the importance of prioritizing him above all else, even familial ties. He says, “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37). These words may seem harsh, but they underscore the radical nature of discipleship. Jesus is not advocating for the abandonment of family, but rather highlighting the supreme allegiance that should be given to him. He desires a love that surpasses all other loves, a commitment that transcends all the other, earthly relationships.

Jesus assures his disciples that those who take up their cross and follow him will find true life. He declares, “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it”. This paradoxical statement challenges our conventional understanding of success and fulfillment. It invites us to surrender our own desires, ambitions, and comforts for the sake of Christ and his kingdom. In losing ourselves, we discover the richness and abundance of life that can only be found in Christ.

The passage concludes with a promise and a call to embrace Christ’s mission with courage and faith. Jesus declares, “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me”. This promise reminds us that as we faithfully follow Jesus, we carry his presence with us. When we are received and welcomed by others, it is Christ himself who is received and welcomed. We become bearers of Christ’s love, messengers of God’s grace, and ambassadors of the kingdom.

Reflecting on this passage challenges us to examine our own commitment to being a disciple. Are we willing to embrace the cost and challenges that come with following Jesus? Are we ready to prioritize Jesus and the Kingdom of God above all else, even if it means facing opposition or experiencing division in our relationships? Are we willing to lose our lives for Jesus’ sake, trusting that in doing so, we will find true life?

The journey of discipleship is not an easy one, but it is a path marked by great reward. It is a life of purpose, meaning, and intimacy with our Creator. It is a life where we discover the depth of God’s love, experience Christ’s transformative power, and participate in the redemptive work of the Kingdom in the world. As we contemplate the cost and reward of discipleship, let us turn our hearts to Jesus, seeking for God’s guidance and empowerment. Let us count the cost with humility and courage, knowing that the one who calls us is faithful and will sustain us through every trial. May we respond to Christ’s call with wholehearted devotion, trusting that in losing ourselves, we will find the abundant and eternal life that he promises.

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